Friday, March 25, 2016

The Road to Valhalla

As the war winds down upon this hill
The souls of the dead won’t keep still

Their eyes lit as embers on the ground
Their voices whisper in the air all around

Under a red moon we all sit in the hole
Living and the dead together as a whole

Bathing in rivers of blood mixed in mire
We wore pale skins in front of the wire

The breath of the dead hides this domain
As fear devours what little sanity remain

As the sun rises against a creeping terror
Time has ceased from this cosmic error

Silence grips both the living and the dead
As they stare into doom pass their head

Warfare blackens the skies with crows
While the earth quivers because it knows

That you will descend upon the firmament
Lovely Valkyrie who personifies judgement

Take us into the halls of heroes and eternity
Save us from this plague of absolute futility

22 March 2016 / 6:25 PM
In the office / Wednesday


What could have been....

Thursday, March 17, 2016

The Beggar

Let me walk loose upon the earth
So that my roots can cling on its dirt

Let me live as low as your feet
 In the corner of a putrid street

For this is my home and my church
Where the unseen and tainted lurch

Let the wind blow away my dream
As your coffee devours the cream

Let the laughter refresh my heart
From the ache that won’t depart

Let the sun touch my filthy skin
Whose flesh beneath is now thin

I will disembowel my hunger in time
If anyone wants to offer me a dime

Let me bow my head like a flower
Among trees soaring like a tower

Let my leaves open to the heaven
As it begs from seven until eleven

Let me pray to the Urban Deities
Under a dark cloud of anxieties

Let the blanket of night cover me
Among the stars that I wish to be

Let my eyes close into a deep sleep
And let this be my end and final trip

16 March 2016 / 10:54 PM
Wednesday / In my home