Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Equals of Time

I work and fail
Time is but a snail
I work and succeed
Time is at full speed

I fought and lost
A day wastefully tossed
  I fought and conquered
A day eternally anchored 

I fell and cry
An hour of why
I fell and rise
An hour of surprise

I came too late
A minute of hate
I came on time
A minute so sublime

 I raced and came last
A second left to past
I raced and won
A second to no one


Absence (The Madness of Monotony)

A hot summer’s day
With no wind to play
Only kept is silence
Just staring at a fence
The chime is waiting
As my time is racing
When will it ever start?
The music in our heart
As I beg for the rain
I wish away this pain
The sun is leaving
The moon is arriving
But you never came
This day is the same


Digital Fixation

All I can think of
The switch is off
Awake in reality
Living in futility
I am just a mute
I am not a brute
Digital is in my soul
I have a life and all
I am deeply linked
With each blinked
I can touch a heart
Even if miles apart
Wired or wireless
As one and no less
With just a finger
I can go on linger
From each space
Without any trace
An unlimited key
But only one me
A new dreamland
And it’s in my hand


Thursday, August 25, 2011


Why do I have dreams?
It’s nothing as it seems
For its worth is like air
Its ends are not oft fair
It talks to my emotions
With all sorts of notions
Hushing reality behind
Making my mind blind
Plunging my senses deep
Into a vast ocean’s keep
It teases me until morn
Dies only to be reborn
Emerging from a cocoon
A butterfly of the moon
They are wings of our soul
A true blessing for us all


Friday, August 19, 2011

Ocean Reminiscence

The oceans stretch between us
Its depths hide our cuss and fuss
It sparkles under a summer sun
Evoking the days that we had fun
Our passion hotter than the sand
In the music of our adored band
We felt disconnected to reality
Together, riding away its insanity
The cold night embraced the day
But our hands remain fixed to stay
Until the stars filled a lonely sky
Underneath we stared and lie
Your smile shone like the moon
Carrying us both ‘til it was noon
Even the rain would set alight
Between our lips locked so tight
I calmed your trembling heart
Of promises never to be apart
Those days are now set in stone
For together, we are never alone


Hungry like the Wolf

There you lie idle
Fixed in the middle
Covered in silence
Lacking in any sense
I am your lone wolf
Often people scoff
Out of fear and hate
But you I can relate
The beauty of it all
From stars that fall
Unto seas that roll
Until the fate’s call
My eyes are fixed
My heart is mixed
None to do but shout
Breath from my snout
Bellow out your name
For in you bliss came
Love fed me a good life
Thru kindness of a wife
Without you I am angry
Now I will ever be hungry


Prisoners of Pride

Days of faith has lost
Give birth to ghost
Crimson skies that last
Deals echoes of past
Cursed hands broken
Hide tales unspoken
Uncertain emotions
Mix well in potions
Drink with one breath
To be one with death
Heart pounding fast
Ready to make a blast
Only to fall out of time
Trapped in your crime


Thoughts on Love

It makes my head ponder
Struck my eyes with wonder
It’s a question of trust
Or an aftermath of lust
A delusion of passion
Or a fleeting sensation
We share it and pass it
But we can never own it
For it flows like the sea
Unpredictable it will be
It is the wind unseen
Just like our own sin
Buried in our thought
A reason we oft fought
It’s a rope that ties us all
Not meant for us to fall
Its distance equals to a breathe
For its absence means only death
Let it enter your heart and rest
Sleep and cuddle in its warm nest
It’s a gift and often tastes best
Dream and suckle on life’s breast


* Inspired by Elusive Mind

Friday, August 12, 2011


November rain painted all around
Nowhere can love ever be found
Among the glittering street lights
In this happy and bar filled nights
I am living in a fishbowl so tight
Always swimming from left to right
Drowning in my own bitter tears
Choking from guilt and constant fears
And yet the wind blew a might
A bump so sudden and yet so light
Fate smiled that shone so bright
My heart caved in without a fight
Why often do I see stars in her sight?
Though the skies are as black as night
Why does my heart ready to ignite?
For I feel high and soaring as a kite
She held my hand and I felt saved
Safe and free from being slaved
I found her once again like before
And so I vow not to lose her anymore


Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Chaos comes in many forms
Deceiving often all the norms
Often greater than past storms

It buzzes like a swarm of flies
Riding the wind to spread its lies
Its tumult drowns babies’ cries

It is a crow that eats putrid meat
A leach that sucks on your feet
It is a lion that smells your defeat

Be wary of its unwavering deceit
For it smiles with different teeth
And waits patiently for you to meet



Heavenly star of this moonless night
Come down and be my guiding light
Aid me to forge this sword of might

For evil grows like weed on the ground
Corrupting the souls of men that abound
Spoiling the wind and air that’s all around

Together we shall pierce thru darkness
Slice our way in order to reach oneness
For Enlightenment gives birth to calmness

Blood and flesh shall fuse with the soil
Scorched by the sun to roast and boil
An offering to quell the next turmoil


Writer's Block

I sit on a throne of paper and ink
Waiting for inspiration to sink
Praying for the quill to think

Will I pen the hearts of men?
Or beckon memories of when
Only to dream of summer’s den

I delved deep within my very soul
Seeking words to make me whole
But the night is as dark as a coal

Oh great raven of Odin’s might
Help my thoughts take flight
To soar like a comet into the night

Yet you stare as empty as my page
So I take solitude in my tears of rage
Is this a problem of the coming age?

I will search and make the pieces fit
For there is no utter console in defeat
And triumph doesn’t lie still under my feet